What is Dangerous Goods?
Our Dangerous Goods Shipping Container Box’s hold all types of Class 3 Danergous Goods such as flammable liquids, fuel and oil, combustibles and lighter fluids just to name a few. Shipping Containers deliver the best equipment for Storage and Transport of Dangerous Goods in Australia. Their high quality Shipping Container products are unmatched in the market. In particluar, their Dangerous Goods Storage Containers showcase just how tough their Shipping Containers are built. When you ask Shipping Containers What is Dangerous Goods, the answer will always be ‘There isn’t a Good so Dangerous that we can’t handle. All our Dangerous Goods Box’s are also built to the highest possible standard, are regularly safety checked and screened and comply with the latest Australian regulations for storage and transport of class 3 Dangerous Goods. And you can deck out your Dangerous Goods Shipping Container with just about any Accessory you can think of whether ir be various forms of ventilation, shelves and storage space and even custom built bunded flooring. Our Dangerous Goods Containers are also fully ISO compliant for easy transport.
What Is Dangerous Goods?
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What is Dangerous Goods?
Any type of Class 3 Goods can be stored by the Dangerous Goods Containers that are custom built by Shipping Containers. This can include Blasting Agents, Explosives, Poison, Flammable Gas or Liquid, Gasoline, Fuel and Oil just to name a few.
Shipping Containers | Dangerous Goods Storage Containers:
Additional accessories include:
Shipping Container Products
Standard Containers
Standard Shipping Containers Include:
Specialised Containers
Specialised Shipping Containers Include: